DX Logbook on-line December 2008
Here are some of my occasional short wave observations
Location: North-East part of the St.Petersburg city
Receiver: Sangean 909
- 30 meters outdoor long wire (01/12-06/12)
- 15 meters outdoor long wire (starting from 09/12)
All time are in UTC
Frequencies in kHz
3280 1518-1522 CHN Voice of Pujiang, 01/12, Chinese YL(mostly)/OM talks poor, it seems this station is the last Chinese on 120/90 m.b. at the moment
6889.9v 1541-1556 ETH R.Fana, 01/12, Vernacular, OM/YL talks with two mention of Fana at least, pop music poor, //6110 but no any signs on 7210 under RFA
4780 1559-1627 DJI R. Djibouti, 01/12, Arabic, modern Arabic song, YL talks with musical pauses, 1904 OM news, then three long African pop songs good-fair with some fading and local noise
7284.7v 1647-1655 MLI R.Bamako, 01/12, French, OM/YL talks, 1652 African pop music poor, also het.
7608 1612- PAK R. Pakistan spurs from 7530, 01/12, Urdu OM talk, local song strong, but distrorted signal
6889.9v 1718- ETH R.Fana, 01/12, pop song poor, it seems their transmitter that usually operates on 7210 as there are no any signs of them there at this time (the propagation is not good today, for example, 13 and 15 MHz are fully dead now (1620 UTC), no any TNZ signal on 11735 and two best ones on 11 MHz are RKW (11630) and AWR via Meyerton (11925) only)
4319U 1742-1755 BIO AFN Diego Garcia, 01/12, English talk about US politics, Obamas era, etc. fair-poor, but neverthless too strong for my location and receiving equipment, also DRM-like signal on 4317-4318 and RTTY on near 4324
4960 1757-1803 STP VOA Pinheira, 01/12, 1758 two opening English IDs and Yankee Doodle melody, 1800 Arabic OM/YL ann with mention of Darfur, then news including phone report - fair, also het. and some splashes from 4965 (ZMB?)
4965 1809-1842 ZMB CVC Lusaka, 01/12, a lot of Vernacular OM/YL talks, then African pop songs strong, but fair only due to the DRM-like noise on 4966 and splashes from VOA on 4960
3200 2350-0010 ??? TWR via unknown site, 01-02/12, English, a lot of YL/OM talks, ann and musical pauses, IDs as TWR Africa good-fair with QRM from Russian pirates near 3203
5985.8 0018-0034 BRM R.Myanmar, 02/12, English and local pop songs, 0030 Burmese YL talk with mentions of Myanmar, 0032 next local song fair-good, weak het.
6060 0036-0042 CHN Sichuan PBS, Xichang, 02/12, Chinese music, 0038 Tibetan OM talk, 0041 the same music again good with some splashes from 6065 (IRB) and //7225 under IRB, also weak station deeply on the background (CUB?)
4835 0100-0118 IND AIR Gangtok, 02/12, Indian OM singing, Hindi OM ann, then monotonous local music,0106 YL ann and OM talk, 0110 Indian songs fair, also het. Hope for a QSL
6004.7 0120-0135 CLN SLBC Colombo, 02/12, orchestral melodies, 0130 time pips, English YL ann, OM religious talk poor, QRM from 6000 (TRT) and 6020 (RUI), //9770.2 poor-fair and almost good (but with frequent fading) at 0140-0145, also slightly distorted audio Hope for a QSL
3200 0147-0212 ??? TWR again, 02/12, English OM religious talk, IDs, address in South Africa, etc. unusually strong signal for this all-night service, also TWR Manzini IS and one more weak OM talk (it seems in English too) on the background starting from 0155
3350 0233-0250 CTR REE Cariari de Pococi, 02/12, Spanish, mostly YL talks with some musical pauses, OM song at 0236 poor, local noise Hope for a QSL
3240 0250- SWZ TWR Manzini, 02/12, IS and English IDs good, but fair-poor during Russian pirates talks near the channel
4865.4v 0302-0314 ??? Voice of Iranian Kurdistan (tent.), 02/12, Koran OM singing, 0305 Kurdish-like OM/YL talks with mention of Kurdistan, Iran, etc. fair-poor with strong periodical CW QRM
5950 0320-0332 ETH Voice of the Tigray Revolution (tent.), 02/12, Vernacular OM talks, also YL at 0327, native music almost good with splashes from 5955 (RFE), but audio quality is not OK
6090 0334-0404 ??? UNI, 02/12, African HOA-like songs, Vernacular OM talk with mention of meter band at 0340/0352/0401 strong and even stronger than AWR on the same channel, but almost blocked by R. Algiers at *0357-, I am not sure yet - maybe Voice of the Broad Masses ex. 7100?
6030 0414-0423 ETH R. Ethiopia, 02/12, Vernacular, YL/OM talks about USA, etc., local song good with splashes from 6035 (BBC)
9541.6 0948-1016 SLM SIBS Honiara, 02/12, English, mostly YL talks, ID at 095950 as Radio Honiara, then news by OM till 1013 and fragment of some parlament speech fair with S-peak approx. at 0950-0955, but no any splashes from 9545 after 1000 when DW came from the air, first noted at 0815 with weak signal, then at 0850 poor and at 0935 with poor-fair (this is my first catch of SLM here at St.Petersburg on 31 m.b. for all years thanks to two DX reports from the USA and Finland via DXplorer on Dec 1st) Hope for a QSL
9370 1123-1135 USA WTJC, 02/12, English, Christmas choral songs, 1130 OM ID as This is the FBN the Fundamental Broadcasting Network good with some fading only
9730.8 1145-1156 BRM R. Myanmar, 02/12, non stop SE Asian pop songs poor-fair
9265 1158-1201 USA WINB, 02/12, English OM religious talks weak, also local noise
11705 1218-1222 CUB R. Rebelde (tent., also maybe RN de Venezuela), 02/12, Spanish YL ann, musical pauses, fragments of some public speech with some mentions of Cuba fair, also VOA on the background
5765U 1230- GUM AFN Barrigada, 02/12, English OM talk poor
5755 1232-1242 USA WEWN, 02/12, English religious talk, then sermon unusally good with some fading only
5206U 2020-2035 ??? R. Mayak, 02/12, Russian sport program, news fair, //549 MW, also on 03/12 at 0423 and 0838
5025 0840-0859 CUB R. Rebelde (tent.), 03/12, Spanish songs, some OM ann at 0858 fair-poor-weak due to the propagation, blocked at 0859 by RTTY on 5027
11710.7 0902-0910 ARG RAE, 03/12, Japanese, Chistmas-like choral songs, then YL/OM talks and music with mention of RAE and Radio Nacional fair
6180 *0958-1005 CUB RN de Venezuela, 03/12, opening IS, Spanish OM some ann with IDs as Canal Nacional La Voz de la Venezuela, then news - fair
3925 1228- J R.Tampa, 03/12, classical music fair-poor
3900 1230- CHN PBS Hulun Buir, 03/12, Chinese OM talk poor (rare station here)
4739.7 1243-1246 VTN R. Son La, 03/12, talk in local dialect, local singing, then OM talk again weak under local noise
3905 1233-1241, 1253-, 1259- (also after 1300 with sign off approx. between 1310 and 1320), PNG R. New Ireland (tent.), 03/12, typical PNG program with Vernacular-like OM talks and local music, tent. National Anthem at 1259 and then prolongerd schedule poor with S-peak at around 1250 and weak under strong local noise after 1300, also het. with 3906 (RRI?) and some weak tent. PNG signals were noted on 90 m.b. at 1250-1255 including 3290, 3325, 3335 and 3385 at least
7220 1452-1459 CAF R.Bangui (tent.), 03/12, Varnacular, OM talk, pops song fair and only station on the channel at this time, but blocked by RFE at *1458-
2310 1904-1914 AUS ABC Alice Springs, 03/12, English OM talk, then YL with mention of Australia weak, //2325 under Russian pirate radioamateurs (with AM mode without any music - only OM talks)
3905 1917-1922, 1930-1934, 1939-1947, 1956-2004 PNG R. New Ireland again (tent.), 03/12, mostly YL/OM talks and music, news after 2000 weak with S-peak at around 1940-1942, sometimes better in LSB due to the local noise (first time I could hear PNG still as tentative and after many attempts here at St.Petersburg with a portable receive in use and thanks to the today's good propagation conditions from the East)
4925 2259-2316 RRI Jambi, 03/12, IS, OM ann with mention of "Radio Republik Indonesia", then news by YL with some reports by OM poor, weak het. and splashes from 4920 (CNR); it is too difficult to hear any signals from INS here at my location and especially on 90 m.b. Hope for a QSL
6055 0932-0942 J R. Tampa, 05/12, Japanese, YL/OM talks including by phone - fair-good, but poor already in very short time after that
6170 1450-1457 NZL R. New Zealand (tent.), 06/12, English OM ann, rock songs strong signal, but poor only due to the +-5 kHz splashes
3905 1458-1504* ??? UNI pirate (Dutch?), 06/12, English OM ann with Dutch accent, pop (including Swiss folk) music - fair-good
6090 1625- ??? UNI (Eritrea?), 06/12, Vernacular OM talk strong, but poor only under BBC and DRM (7175 was also under DRM at this time), also on 07/12 at 0354-0402 with good-fair signal and full (but unintelligible) ID, ERI ex. 7100?
7220 1722, 1747-1801*- ??? UNI, 06/12, Vernacular talks (mostly YL) without any clear ID, native music, songs, tentative NA at 1759 fair and almost good over RFE and CRI, also on 07/12 at 0401-0422 with fair signal
92.8FM 1852- RUS R. Novaya Volna, St. Petersburg (pirate), 06/12, pop songs - very good and quality signal including RDS, (www.spbfm.com)
7250 1232-1240 BGD R. Bangladesh, 09/12, English, YL news, 1238 local music fragment, then more talks fair-poor with CRI on the same channel and in the same language
9750 1244-1254 MLA Voice of Malaysia, 09/12, Infonesian, Koran singing, OM ann with ID, musical pause, YL talk, 1252 Arabic-like pop song fair-good with some fading, //6175 with poor signal under CNR
6170 1301-1310 NZL R. New Zealand Int'l, 09/12, English, OM news with some phone reports, 1308 ID strong, but fair-poor only due to the splashes from 6165/6175
7200 1322-1328 SDN R. Omdurman, 09/12, Arabic OM talks with mentions of Darfur, musical pause, then OM talks again poor-fair with deep fading
7220 *1355-, 1755-1801* ERI Voice of the Broad Masses (tent.), 09/12, opening with IS and short OM ann under CRI empty carrier (but blocked by CRI music from 1358), also at 1755 with final news bulletin by YL and choral NA at 1759 (tx off at 1802) - fair-poor (ex. 7100?); it seems (according to http://www.intervalsignals.net) the opening IS was their Program 1 signals
4905 1842-1855 TCD R. N'Djamena, 09/12, Vernacular YL talk with French accent and some mentions of N'Djamena, 1751 Afropop music strong, but between good and fair only due to the fading and local noise; reactivated or their simple switch error (ex. 6165)?
5010 1825-1902* MDG RTVM Antananarivo, 11/12, Vernacular OM talks, music and songs poor due to the high level of local noise
15120 1914- NIG Voice of Nigeria, 11/12, English OM advertisement of their African traditions program, ID good-fair, also BBC on 15400 at this time and on this band (but much weaker)
13685 1918- MLI CRI Bamako, 11/12, Arabic YL talk poor (the only station at this time and on this band)
5035 2052-2114 B R. Educacao Rural, Coari (tent.), 11/12, Portuguese, music, 2053 OM talk, song, tent. ID at 2059, then YL/OM talks poor (unusual propagation for this time at my location), //4985 and 4915 after 2100
4885 2115- B R.Clube do Para, Belem (tent.), 11/12, Portuguese, OM talk poor
4985 2117- B R.Brasil Central, Goiania, 11/12, Portuguese, OM/YL talks poor, //5035 and 4915
4915 2119- B R. Anhanguera, Goiania (tent.), 11/12, Portuguese, OM/YL talks poor, also one more B on the same channel, //4985 and 5035
4910 2133-2137 AUS ABC Tennant Creek, 11/12, English, YL news weak, local noise plus splashes from 4905 (CNR), //4835 and 5025 (both poor)
7255 2145- NIG Voice of Nigeria, 11/12, French, YL/OM talks almost good with some splashes from 7260 (IRB), but audio quality is not OK
15345.0 2153-2200 ARG R. Nacional, 11/12, Spanish, song, 2156 OM ann, next song poor, deep fading and local noise
11884.7 1142-1150 MLA Voice of Malaysia, 13/12, Chinese, YL/OM talks, music and Malay song fair-good, //15295 fair-poor
6027.0 1202-1216 MLA RTM Kuala Lumpur (tent.). 13/12, mostly Malay-like YL/OM talks with short musical pauses poor, splashes from 6030 (CNR)
7295 1225-1243 MLA RTM Kuala Lumpur, 13/12, English, pop songs, 1231 YL ann, then next songs poor (also modulation is not OK), splashes from 7285 (UKR) and 7305 (VOR), blocked by powerful carrier at 1242 (Novosibirsk?)
6915 1249-1259* ALS KNLS, 13/12, English, OM talks, music and song weak under local noise
3935.2 1402-1410 CLA R. Sedoye Kurdistan, 13/12, Farsi, OM talks and patriotic music, ID fair, then poor when one powerful bubble jammer came on the channel at 1405, moved to 3924.8 at 1410 (blocked by jammer at 1412)
6030 1707-1722 ETH R. Ethiopia, 13/12, Oromo YL/OM talks with short musical pauses, 1718 typical HOA song strong signal, but fair reception only due to the BBC (6030) and VOR (6035)
6859.8 1735-1800 EGY R. Cairo, 13/12, English (it seems their simple program feed error), YL talks on culture items with musical pauses, classical music, ID at 1758 as This is the Voice of Africa of Radio Cairo, 1759 Turkish program very strong, but fair only due to the unpleasant tx hum
4930 1817-1830 BOT Voice of America, 13/12, English, talk with one representative of Radio Africa from Nairobi, Kenya and some other items almost good with some fading and local noise, //6080 weak (under DRM) and 15580 fair
6135 2315-2324 B R. Aparecida, 13/12, Portuguese, OM/YL talks, 2322 song poor, het. and splashes from 6130 (CNR)
6015 *0256- TZN R. Tanzania, Zanzibar, 14/12, interval signals poor under CNR and fully blocked by BBC IS at 0257
6090 *0300-0352, 0435-0504 ETH R. Ethiopia (tent.), 14/12, Vernacular, opening OM ann with mention of meter band and kHz (also at 0307, 0318, 0329, 0340, 0350), typical HOA songs, etc. good-fair, QRM from AWR after 0329 and DRM from 0500
7175/7220 *0350-0402 ERI Voice of the Broad Masses, 14/12, empty carriers, starting from 0354 with IS and Vernacular OM IDs on 7175, and from 0355 on 7220 (including Arabic ann) both fair-good at the beginning, but then 7175 was under DRM-like jamming from 0400 (moved to 7165 in some minutes) and 7220 was under RFE from 0358
6030 0405-0412 ETH R. Oromiya, 14/12, Oromo, OM/YL news, musical pause and ID at 0410, then OM talk again fair-good with some splashes from 6035 (BBC)
5980 0425- ETH Vo Tigray Revolution, 14/12, Vernacular, local music, OM/YL talks fair, blocked by NHK carrier at 0427, //5950 fair-good
6089.9 0552-0602 NIG R. Nigeria, Kaduna, 20/12, Vernacular (Hausa?), local singing, OM talk, pause, 0600 musical fragment, then OM talk - poor with unpleasant audio quality, also het.
9705 0617-0623 NGR La Voix du Sahel, 20/12, French, mostly OM talk with musical fragments, report by phone - poor, also het.
7355 0901- ALS KNLS, 20/12, Chinese, IS, music, then OM talk - fair-poor due to the fading and local noise (usually much weaker here in my location)
11650 *1000-1030 MRA KFBS Saipan, 20/12, Russian, IS, ID's as KFBS and Radio Teos, address in Moscow, then religious programs "Return to the God" and "Life" - good Hope for a QSL
4830 1250-1305 CHN Chian Huayi BC, 20/12, Chinese YL/OM talks, time pips on the top of the hour - poor-fair with MNG on the background Hope for a QSL
4970 1337-1352 IND AIR Shillong, 20/12, Hindi-like YL talk with tent. ID at 1340, then pop songs - fair-poor Hope for a QSL
3912 1505-1525 KOR Voice of the People, 20/12, Korean, YL/OM talks, 1521 orchestral music - almost good, then fair, then poor due to the propagation
4920 1526-1543 IND AIR Chennai, 20/12, Hindi-like OM talk, English ID and news from Delhi, 1545 Hindi-like talk again - fair-poor with PBS Xizang on the same channel Hope for a QSL
4820 1605-1625 IND AIR Kolkatta, 20/12, long Indian OM singing and seh tar music - fair-poor with PBS Xizang on the same channel, //4800 and 4810 Hope for a QSL
4760 1626-1659* SWZ TWR Manzini, 20/12, Vernacular, a lot of OM talks incl. ID's as "Radio Trans Mundial", African pop, native and western Christmas songs, IS at 1644 and 1658 - almost good with UNID AIR station on the background till 1630 QSL in 44 days
7185 0040-0050 BRM R. Myanmar, 21/12, Burmese songs - fair-good, tx hum
4950 0202-0217* IND AIR Srinagar, 21/12, Hindi-like OM talks with some musical fragments and sudden sigh off at 0217 - fair-poor, strong periodic CW QRM Hope for a QSL
5206U 0602- ??? R. Mayak again via unknown location, 21/12, Russian news //549 kHz - fair
6190 0810-0835 D Deutschlandfunk, 21/12, German, ID's, classical music program - mostly good with BLR on the background Hope for a QSL
17860 0842-0858* AFR S. African Radio League, 21/12, English OM talks on various amateur radio items - good with some fading and local noise
15250 *1030-1055 ARS R. Riyadh, 28/12, English, time ann, news by YL/OM about Israel attacks, 1032 Besame mucho orchestral melody, 1035 local YL talks with mx and mention of Radio Jeddah fair-poor with deep fading, local noise and weak CRI signal Hope for a QSL
11810 1150-1224 JOR R. Amman, 28/12, Arabic, YL talks, music, time pips, then long news bulletin mostly about the Israel attacks in Gaza food and fair during periodical deep fading Hope for a QSL
6170 *1258-1315 NZL RNZI again, 28/12, English, IS as a bird pipe, time pips, ID and news by OM, then rock songs fair, but very poor under local electric noise at 1302-1304 and 1308-1315 QSL in 61 days
And that's all in this month and year. Unfortunately, there is too strong local broadband electric noise here in my location last some days and therefore no any chances for any DX-catches. Cannot find its source yet...
Happy New Year and good DX on all bands!
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