DX Logbook on-line December 2011

Here are some of my occasional short wave observations

Location: North-East part of the St.Petersburg city
Receiver: Drake R8A
Antenna: long wire (30 m)
All time in UTC
Frequencies in kHz

2485 1906-1928 AUS ABC Northern Territory, Katherine, 25/12, English, YL phone talks with listeners with frequent mentions of Australia and Christmas, two pop songs - fair and then poor under local noise, //2325 poor-weak

15610 1617-1657 USA EWTN, Vandiver, 25/12, English, OM/YL short radio messages to listeners (including Marvin, Liza, Michael and other EWTN representatives) with Merry Christmas and New Year wishes and a lot of nice Christmas songs and musical pieces instead of Sunday Mass this evening - good in AN SYNC with 6 kHz bandwidth and slight fading only till 1650, then fair due to downward propagation

6400.00 1040-1058 KRE Pyongyang BS, Kanggye, 25/12, Korean, choral patriotic songs and pieces of music, 1049'26 YL talk and then next patriotic piece of music and song - fair and slightly better with local noise and variable audio level, //6250.00 poor-fair

6030 0804-0828 USA Radio Marti, Greenville, 25/12, Spanish, YL/OM talks with short musical pauses and YL ID at 0805'21, Spanish songs - from fair to poor under local noise and Cuban noise jamming, QRMfrom 6040 (BLR), slight heterodyne, best in LSB

6135 0504-0515 YEM Radio Yemen, Sana'a, 25/12, Arabic, OM talks and it looks very much like to morning religious program - from fair to poor-weak under local noise

4949.75 0450-0456 AGL Radio Nacional Angola, Mulenvos, 25/12, Portuguese, OM unintelligible talk - weak under local noise this in LSB, that in AM SYNC

5030.00 0101-0124 BTN Bhutan Broadcasting Service, Thimpu, 25/12, Dzongkha, OM news with many OM (mostly) and YL reports, 0116'16 OM talk with typical Tibetan music in the background, etc. - fair with local noise, //6035.05 poor with transmitter switching off approx. at 0114-0118 (there were no any signs of them starting from 0000 this night)

5015LSB 2233-2247 TKM Turkmen Radio, Asgabat, 20/12, Turkmen, OM talks, fragments of local music - good with slight audio distortion

7635 1450-1505 ISR Galei Zahal Radio, Tel Aviv, 18/12, Hebrew, pop song, OM talk about Hanukkah, OM/YL radio advertising, news with some phone reports, etc.- almost good with local noise, //15850 poor and http://glz.co.il via http://locator.3dcdn.com/glz/glzradio/300/200/radio.html with 4 second delay

3974.96 1425-1441 PAK Azad Kashmir Radio, Islamabad, 18/12, Kashmiri as I think, Kasmiri song and then OM talks with ID at 1429'54 as 'Azad Rashmir Radio..." and "Radio Pakistan" at 1440'20 - fair and better with local nose

6045.0 0215-0227 ZWE Zimbabwe BC, Gweru (tentative), 05/12, mostly unintelligible OM/YL talks in Vernacular - weak under local noise and 24 hours a day according to Harare RMS

9690 1704-1716 NIG Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, 04/12, Igbo, OM talks with mention of Nigeria and Igbo, 1713 OM native singing - strong signal with usual transmitter hum, but fair-poor only under ROU

7200 1538-1555 AFG National Radio of Afghanistan, Kabul, 04/12, English, OM talk mostly about Afghan goverment policy, 1543'34 Afghan OM song, 1553'11 OM talk about current Afghan problems - almost good in AM SYNC with 4 kHz bandwidth and SDN deeply in the background, also some short fragments of bubble jamming and QRM from VOR on 7205

7260 1310-1324 MNG Mongolian Radio, Ulaanbaatar, 04/12, Mongolian, YL short talks, Mongolian folk songs - fair-poor with dominating VOR English on the same frequency, //4830 poor under local noise

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