DX Logbook on-line February 2009
Here are some of my occasional short wave observations
Location: North-East part of the St.Petersburg city
Receiver: Sangean 909
Antennas: 15 meters outdoor long wire
All time are in UTC
Frequencies in kHz
6030 0423-0453 ETH R. Ethiopia, 01/02, Vernacular, dialogues between YL announcer and his guest at studio, also fragments of Ethiopian songs in the pauses almost good at the beginning, then fair with weak het. and splashes from BBC on 6035 Hope for a QSL
7160 0502-0508 ZMB CVC Lusaka, 01/02, English, YL ann, then western rock song, 0507 YL short talk again, then next song - poor, splashes from 7150 (VOR), first time could hear them on 41 m.b.
4905 0512-0518 TCD R. N'Djamena, 01/02, French, African pop song, then OM talk with listeners by phone - good-fair with low audio level and fading
4905 1448-1512 CHN Xizang PBS, Lhasa, 01/02, Tibetan, YL phone talks with listeners, Chinese songs and mx - fair-good, //4920 poor QSL in 92 days
7465 1945-1957* ALB R. Tirana, 07/02, English, opening music, ID and frequency schedule, then news and "Mosaic" programs on various local subjects - almost good with slight fading QSL in 75 days
6290 2030-2100 EGY R. Cairo, 07/02, Arabic, radio play till 2040, then a lot of talks by OM/YL and ID as "Huna Cairo", chimes, full ID and news at 2100 - very strong, but with some noticeable buzz during the speech only (all was OK during the music pauses) maybe their studio microphone problem QSL in 74 days
6115 2105-2130 PHL R. Veritas Asia, 07/02, Chinese, a lot of talks by YL/OM with some Chinese and classical music pauses - almost good, but poor under strong local electric noise at 21.11-22.21 only, blocked by ROU powerful signal starting from 21.28 QSL in 131 days
5025 2134-2152 AUS ABC Katherine, 07/02, English, YL/OM news and other talks with short musical pauses - poor with slight het. (Parakou?) and then weak due to the downward propagation conditions QSL in 37 days
7180 2158-2225* TUR Voice of Turkey, 07/02, English, "DX Corner" and then some Turkish pop songs, final news headlines, schedule, IS - very good with CNR1 signal in the background (as BBC jamming) QSL in 46 days
3345 0340-0357* AFS Channel Africa, 08/02, English, African native music and pop song, YL (mostly) and OM talks with mention of 'South Africa" - fair at the beginning, but then poor-weak due to the downward propagation conditions Hope for a QSL
6110/6890 0400-0433 ETH R. Fana, 08/02, Vernacular, OM news with ID at 0403, then Ethiopian pop song and a lot os talks by YL/OM with one and the same HOA melody in the pauses - good-fair on 6110 and poor on 6890 Hope for a QSL
6140 0640-0659* CUB R. Havana, 08/02, English, Arnie Coro's talk on various radio amateur subjects including the final CW signals of his program, YL ann and Cuban song - strong, but poor only due to the Radio Belarus spurs from 6115 kHz, //6060 poor QSL in 138 days
11595 1505-1530 ISR Kol Israel, 08/02, Farsi, news program with some fragments of interviews in Hebrew and Arabic till 1524, then talk with mentions of Richard Williamson, Vatican and Holocaust - very good with some signs of an Iranian jamming deeply in the background Hope for a QSL
9970 1545-1604 BEL RTBF, 08/02, French, two English pop songs, then talk with young listener by phone, French song, info about the football results and "Journal Actuelle" at 1600 - from good to very weak due to the downward propagation QSL in 36 days
4900 1648-1656 UNI AIR? 08/02, Indian-like music and singing - poor-fair, Guwahati by mistake ex. 4940?
4880 *1700-1725 AFS SW Radio Africa, 08/02, English, opening music, then mostly OM talks about the situation in Zimbabwe - fair with fading, local noise and AIR on the same channel Hope for a QSL
3320 0250-0310 AFS Sonder Grense, 09/02, Afrikaans, talks by OM/YL, pop song, advertising, news - poor-fair with strong periodical CW QRM on 3321 Hope for a QSL
3240 0312-0340* SWZ TWR Manzini, 09/02, Shona, OM talk with ID, nice choral singing and guitar music, 0325 in Ndau language with ID as "Radio Trans Mundial" - unusually strong signal during first 20 minutes (SINPO-45444), also strong on 3200 at this time with two audio signals by mistake QSL in 70 days
7165 1550-1615 ETH Voice of Ethiopia, 14/02, Arabic/English, OM talk about Eritrea, 1600 IS, ID as "This is the External service of Radio Ethiopia, YL/OM talks and local songs - fair-good till 1603, then poor when Eritrea came on the frequency from 7175 with DRM-like jamming Hope for a QSL
15120 0633-0640 NIG Voice of Nigeria, 15/02, English OM dialogues on local subjects - very strong, but poor-fair only due to the CRI powerful signal on the same channel
15610 0705-0730 UZB CVC, 15/02, English, a lot of modern English pop and rock songs, many short ann with IDs and mentions of their cvcradio.in site - very strong and good (SINPO as 55555/55444) QSL in 50 days
11590 *0957-1027 GUM KTWR Agana, 15/02, Chinese, IS, ID as "KTWR Agana", then mostly YL talks with some fragments of Chinese songs - almost good with some fading and local noise QSL in 99 days
15340 1120-1150 MRC RTV Marocaine, 15/02, Arabic, dialogues between some YL guests at studio, also two phone calls from listeners - good at the beginning, then good-fair Hope for a QSL
9745 1223-1253 TWN Voice of Han, 15/02, Chinese, OM (mostly)/YL talks, songs - almost good with R. Bahrain in the background and splashes from 9750 (NHK) QSL in 142 days
6027.0v 1255- MLA RTM Kuala Lumpur (very tent.), 15/02, Malay-like YL talk - weak under local noise strong splashes from 6030 (CNR) and it seems their transmitter was off at 1300 or 1301
9810 1412-1434 GUM TWR Agana, 15/02, Chinese, mostly OM talks with two nice slow Chinese songs at 1417 and 1424 - fair-poor, //9635 poor QSL in 102 days
15275 1440-1505 RRW DW Kigali, 15/02, German, YL/OM talks about the criminal situation in Germany, criminal literature, etc., news at 1500 - fair-good QSL in 95 days
12085 2130-2201 SYR R. Damascus, 21/02, English, talks about Syrian history, Israel and Jews, British newspapers with a lot of musical pauses, Syrian songs, final ann and NA - good with slight fading and tx hum Hope for a QSL
3985 0430-0505 HRV Voice of Croatia, 22/02, Croatian, interview with some representative of "Narodnog ruha", some local songs, usual ID as Hrvatski radio - Prvi program and news on the top of the hours - good with slight fading and local noise Hope for a QSL
11730 0530-0559* THA R. Thailand, 22/02, English, YL/OM news, fragment of some public speech, sport news, then a lot of talks on various subject with musical pauses - almost fair with fading and local noise and sudden sign off at 05.59 Hope for a QSL
12095 1230-1247* PHL FEBC Bocaue, 22/02, Achang (according to their schedule), native music, choral singing, OM talk with mentions of "Jesus Christ", modern song, final musical pause - fair-good QSL in 102 days
9455 1359-1423 MRA RFA Saipan, 22/02, Vietnamese, opening with ID in English, then a lot of YL/OM talks and phone reports with short musical pauses - fair-poor under heavy splashes from CNR1 on 9450 (as jamming against TWN) QSL in 22 days
7210 1718-1808, 1956-2001* (tx off at 2003) ERI VOBME, 22/02, Vernacular, YL/OM talks and local songs, also radio play at 1724-1748 and news at 1800-1805 - poor till 1730 (BBC 7215), then fair-good and poor again after 1758 (ROU 7215) - I am still not 100% sure about this one as ERI (but it seems the anthem at 1959 was their NA), but in any case will try to send them a report on next Tuesday... Hope for a QSL
4835 2132-2144 AUS ABC Alice Springs, 22/02, English, YL/OM reports on various Australian subjects, rock song - fair and unusually strong this night (but blocked from time to time by strong local electric noise), //4910 poor and 5025 fair - but there were no any signs of ARDS Darwin on 5050 at the same time
5025 0001-0031 CUB R. Rebelde, 23/02, Spanish, YL/OM short talks, orchestral music, ID at 0008 - fair, periodically blocked by strong local noise after 0015 Hope for a QSL
9525 1620-1628 INS Voice of Indonesia, 23/02, Indonesian, YL/OM talks with one ID in English - almost good and unusually strong (CRI was deeply in the background), splashes from 9520 (RFE)
4835.2 0435-0443 UNI PRU? GTM?, 28/02 - very weak
6019.5-.6 0617-0623 PRU R. Victoria, 28/02, Spanish, OM talks - poor-fair with deep fading
12000 1110-1122 CUB R. Habana, 28/02, Spanish, OM/YL news, then report from Caracas with one fragment of H.Chavez speech, etc. - almost good with some fading and local noise, //9600 poor
6969.3 1855-1905 ISR Galei Zahal, 28/02, Hebrew, pop songs, news by OM on the top of the hour - fair-good with high level of local electric noise, ex. 6973
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