DX Logbook on-line July 2009
Here are some of my occasional short wave observations
Location: North-East part of the St.Petersburg city
Receiver: Sangean 909
Antenna: 30 meters outdoor long wire
All time are in UTC
Frequencies in kHz
7125 1930-1939 GUI R. Conacry, 28/07, French, OM/YL talks with short fragment of typical West African music at 1937 - poor, deep fading
5915 1940-1945 ZMB ZNBC Radio 1, 28/07, Vernacular (Khasonke as listed?), OM talks in some radio show - strong, but fair-poor only due to IRB on 5910 and RSI on 5920
6055 2002-2011 RRW R. Rwanda, Kigali again, 28/07, Vernacular, OM talks including one interview - good-fair with CNR on 6050
15344.0 2012-2026 ARG RAE, Buenos Aires, 28/07, French, mostly YL talks with some short and full IDs, address, guitar and chanson music - fair with heterodyne and splashes from 15345 (MRC)
9629.9 2028-2040 B R. Aparecida, 28/07, Portuguese, OM talks like to football report - weak, deep fading and local noise, but without any QRM
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