DX Logbook on-line May 2010
Here are some of my occasional short wave observations
Location: North-East part of the St.Petersburg city
Receiver: Sangean 909
Antenna: 15 meters outdoor long wire
All time are in UTC
Frequencies in kHz
5964.9 2257-2311 MLA Radio TV Malaysia, Kajang, 01/05, Malay, pop song, 2300 some RTM jingles, then OM news with some mentions of Malaysia fair with deep fading at the beginning and splashes from 5960(CNR) starting from 2300
6010 2312-2328 BLR Belorussian R., Brest, 01/05, Belorussian, YL talks and European oldies in "Muzika dlya vsekh" (Music for all) program fair with CNR in the background and CNR carrier + tone on 6015 starting from 2315, //6040 and 279
7185.7 *2330-2352 BRM R. Myanmar, Yangoon, 01/05, Vernacular, YL/OM talks, local pop songs and orchestral music strong signal, but fair only due to fading and SSB QRM
6160 0003-0015 CAN CKZN, St.Johns (very tentative), 02/05, weak carrier only with some signs of some program deeply in the background under local noise and splashes from 6165(DW+RNW) blocked by AIR on 6155 starting from 0013
7505.7 0201-0215 USA WRNO, New Orleans, 02/05, English, religious talk by Dr. Robert Mawire including WRNO OM ann with usual ID as "WRNO World Wide" at 0202 - fair and even better with fading and local noise
4875.5 0220-0235 B R. Difusora Roraima, Boa Vista, 02/05, Portuguese, OM religious-like talk - poor and best in USB (on-line was off at this moment on http://www.radiororaima.com.br/)
9625 0259-0314 CAN CBC Nord Quebec, Sackville, 02/05, English, full long ID as "This CBC Nord Quebec ... 9625 kHz", 0300 short French YL ann, then "This is the CBC News" including one report about Moscow's May 1st celebration, weather report, Canadian country music - almost good and unusually strong signal this local morning with some fading and slight noise only
15760 1520-1530 G UK Rocks The World, location? 16/05, English, OM short ann, rock songs - fairt-poor with deep fading and local noise
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