DX Logbook on-line November 2008

Here are some of my occasional short wave observations

Location: North-East part of the St.Petersburg city
Receiver: Sangean 909
8 meters outdoor long wire on November 4-8
15 meters outdoor long wire on November 15-18
30 meters outdoor long wire starting from November 25 (temporary one)
All time are in UTC
Frequencies in kHz

9600 1148-1157 CUB R. Havana, 04/11, Spanish, YL/OM news and reports with some mentions of Cuba and "Cubano" - poor, QRM from PBS Xinjiang

9625 *1158-1234 CAN CBC N. Quebec Service, Montreal, 04/11, carrier+tone, orchestral National Anthem, French, YL ann incl. "Ici ... Quebec ...", time pips, OM ann "... Radio Canada", then news, reports and more talks, 1230 YL talk in local language - poor-fair, weak station on the background (NHK?) and some splashes from 9630 after 1220/25 (CNR1) QSL in 35 days

13590 1240-1310 ZMB CVC Lusaka, 04/11, English, mostly modern western songs incl. rap-style one, OM/YL short talk between them and one fragment of some sermon - poor with strong fading effect, first time heard on 22 m.b. here and I hope their postal address Christian Vision, P.O. Box 3040, West Bromwich, West Midlands, B70 0EJ, England is still in use...

6035 1410-1431 BTN Bhutan BS (tent.), 04/11, YL English-like talk (= news?) with some words at the end as "... service from ...", 1413 short music pause, then YL talks with some music pauses till 1421, then OM talk - poor, and very poor under heavy splashes from 6040 (VOA Chinese + CNR1 jamming), blocked by POL starting from 1430

6973 1435-1505 ISR Galei Zahal, 04/11, Hebrew talk, songs inc. one version of the well-known Russian song "Siny platochek", some ID's on the top of the hour, then news and reports about the US election campaign - good, //15785 approx. till 1450 Hope for a QSL

6110 1557-1635 ETH R.Fana, 04/11, Amharic, traditional local music, 1600 OM talk (=news), 1606 - music pause, phone dialogues with listeners, 1630 - report about the US election campaign incl. one fragment of J.McCain's speech - fair and poor after 1559 because of RNW (also PBS Xizang on the background), //7205 (new ex. 7210?) with fair reception at 1615-1635 at least

7165.0 1703-1733 ETH Voice of Ethiopia, 04/11, French, western pop song, YL talks with guitar music pauses, C.African pop songs, 1730 ID, chimes, news - fair, splashes from 7170 (IRB) and 7160 (CRI) after 1730, //9560.8 with poor signal

7175 1737-1802* ERI VoBM Asmara, 04/11, Somali-like, local songs, YL/OM dialogues with short music pauses, 1757 - final news in brief, National Anthem - fair, weak QRM on the same channel (CRI?) and splashes from 7170 (IRB)

4750 1705-1712* BGD R. Bangladesh, 05/11, Bengali OM talks with one ID at 1707 as "Banglatesh betar" - almost good with some fading only (I am not sure if it was their official (but too sudden) off at 1712 - or their transmitter problems)...

6035 0130-0150 BTN Bhutan BS, 07/11, OM announcer phone talks with listeners, 0133 three nice local songs and choral man singing with two short OM ann - good-fair-poor due to the gradual signal fading, also some QRM from spurs on 6032-6034 (UKR 6020)

7165 0357-0405 ETH R.Ethiopia (do they have any morning transmissions?), 08/11, musical fragments + OM illegible ID's in UNID language like as "Zi finsiya hai", then music and OM talks - fair at the beginning, at 0402 one more station in Vernacular came on the channel and at 0403 one more UNID DRM (see below)

7170 0400- UNI DRM 08/11, at 0402 they moved to 7165; it seems this is the one which broadcasts on very irregular basis (and with too short transmissions) on various frequencies in the 41 m.b. such as 7120, 7130, 7140, 7160 etc. in the mornings and sometimes in the evenings during the some last months; the RMS monitoring confirms that the signal level of this mysterious DRM transmitter is extremely high in Addis Ababa at least - but I am not sure if ETH or ERI can already use the DRM mode for broadcasting or even for any tests; other NEAf stations this morning at 0345-0515: 5990 ETH weak, 6015 TNZ weak under BBC at 0350, 6110 ETH fair and poor when ALB was on the channel, 7110 ETH fair-good, 7175 ERI fair, 7200 SDN fair-poor, 7210 ERI (again here ex. 7205) poor, 9561 ETH fair-poor due to the local noise, 9705 ETH fair-poor (noise), also 6089.9 NIG was noted at around 0500 - but with too weak and slightly distorted signal

9494.8v 0435-0450 GEO Abkhazian R., 8/11, local news in Russian (YL) with short musical pauses, 0439 music, then Abkhazian talks and songs - fair-poor with frequent and deep fading, //9535 - but much weaker

15295 0720-0740 MLA Voice of Malaysia 8/11, English, pop songs, ID at 0726 and OM talk at 0734-0738 - poor due to the fading and local noise

11805 0743-0759* CHL CVC Santiago, 8/11, nonstop Brazilian-like pop songs, final OM ann in Spanish - fair

12085 1028-1035 MNG R. Ulan Bator , 8/11, final ann in Chinese, pause, IS, E YL ID as "This is the Voice of Mongolia in English", then program content and news - good, but audio was slightly distorted

9745 1037-1050 TWN Voice of Han, 8/11, Chinese YL talks (also short OM ann), slow songs and music - fair-good with some splashes from 9750 (NHK)

6915 1051-1101 USA WYFR, 8/11, English OM talks, music, 1100 Spanish talk - poor with RTTY on 6917, not //6890 - also in English and with the same reception quality

9560 1103-1110 AUS R. Australia, 8/11, English YL news, then "Asia Review" mostly about US-China relations - poor under PBS Xinjiang, //9475 almost good and 11945 very good

6180 1112-1130 CUB R. Havana, 8/11, Spanish, a lot of ann, talks and phone reports with some musical pauses - fair at the beginning, then worse due to the propagation, //6000 weak under BUL, 9600 poor under CHN and 12000 fair

7225 1140-1202 CHN PBS Sichuan, 8/11, Tibetan YL talks, slow songs and Chinese modern music, tentative double ID on the top of the hour by OM/YM with music -fair, some splashes from 7220/7230 (CRI/CNR)

7295 1218-1226 MLA RTM Kuala Lumpur (tent.), 8/11, English OM talk, pop music - weak, QRM from 7297-7298 spurs (UKR 7285)

6348 1233- KOR Echo of Hope, 8/11, pop song, then Korean YL talk - poor under bubble-type jamming

6518 1236- KOR Voice of the People, 8/11, Korean YL/OM dialogues - poor under noise jamming and //6600 poor-fair

6035 1256-1302, 1401- BTN Bhutan BS again, 8/11, Vernacular, OM talk by phone, music and YL singing, OM talk, also at 1401 with YL opening ann and ID in English - fair with PBS Yunnan on the background and splashes from 6040 (CNR1 jamming)

5975 1315- VTN Voice of Vietnam HS, 8/11, Vietnamese YL/OM talks, music - poor and //7210 poor and 9530 weak

5985 1320- BRM R. Myanmar (tent.), 8/11, Burmese-like pop song - poor-fair

5770 1325- BRM Myanmar Defence Forces R., 8/11, Burmese-like pop song - poor-fair

11965 1908-1934 LBY Voice of Africa, 8/11, Hausa, mostly OM talks with short musical pauses, ID's as "... Africa ... Jamahiriya" at 1915, 1928 and 1933 - good, //11860 also good

7255 2135-2150 NIG Voice of Nigeria, 8/11, French YL/OM talks, pop music - poor with some splashes from 7250 (CVA)

4895 *2200-2208 MNG R. Ulan Bator, 8/11, IS (6 times), opening OM ann and national anthem, then a lot of OM/YL ann and musical pauses - poor, but fair and even better after 2240 at least

6165 2213-2231* TCD R. N'Djamena, 8/11, French YL/OM ann and talks, two local songs, final OM ann and ID, national anthem - poor-fair with CNR on the background Hope for a QSL

6070 0304-0308 CHL CVC Santiago, 15/11, Spanish OM talk - weak, but clear with some splashes from 6075

4965 0323-0331 ZMB CVC Lusaka, 15/11, English, "... living" program final ann, songs, then Bible reading by OM - fair due to the DRM-like noise near 4966 and slight splashes from 4960 till 0330 (VOA)

4976 0332-0336 UGA R. Uganda, 15/11, Vernacular OM talks and native music, English YL ID at 0336 with ABBA's Mamma Mia short fragment - fair-good

6010 0339-0347 BHR R. Bahrain, 15/11, English pop songs - fair with some fading and splashes from 6015 (BBC and CNR)

6085 0349- RUS R. Rossii, Krasnoyarsk, 15/11, Russian poetry reading //local 873 kHz - fair-good

7200 0352-0406 SDN R. Omdurman, 15/11, Arabic talks, advertising, news, ID at 0354 as "Huna Omdurman - Izaatul Jumhuriyati Sudan" - good with some fading only and RTTY on 7203 Hope for a QSL

6165 0501-0514 TCD R. N'Djamena again, 15/11, French, African pop songs, OM short ann at 0505 and talk on local items at 0510 - unusually strong, but fair only due to RNW

4915 0517-0603 B R. Difusora de Macapa, 15/11, Portuguese, a lot of talks (mostly OM) - also with listeners by phone till 0529, ID at 0603 - fair with some fading and local noise Hope for a QSL

4885 0605- B R. Clube do Para, 15/11, Brazilian song - poor due to the local noise

4985 0606- B R. Brasil Central, 15/11, Brazilian song - poor due to the local noise

6060 0610-0631 CUB R. Havana, 15/11, English, news, ID's, Latin America Roundup, guitar song, then Arnie Coro's talk about one book and local hurricane - very good (or their new European relay?) with slight fading and BBC splashes from 6055, //6140 - but much weaker

6185 0701-0716 B R. Nacional da Amazonia, 15/11, Portuguese OM talk, song, then talk by phone with one more OM, next song, YL/OM talks and ID as "Radio Nacional" - poor, BLR splashes (6190)

9370 0728-0752 USA WTJC Morehead city, 15/11, English, religious talk, ann about some publications incl. "The Foundation Magazine" and address to get them, Christmas choral songs - fair at the beginning, but then poor due to the deep fading and local noise
QSL in 172 days

9615 *0759-0805 USA KNLS Anchor Point, 15/11, IS, 0801 English YL ann, OM talk, 0803 song - poor plus deep fading and local noise, also weak KNLS IS were on 7355 at 0800

11815 0814-0825 B R. Brasil Central, 15/11, Poruguese, Brazilian songs, ann and advertising at 0819 - poor-fair

6050 0830-0845 EQA HCJB Quito, 15/11, Quechua, guitar music and local YL singing, OM talk on local items with short musical pauses - fair, splashes from 6040 (BLR)

11980 0850- UKR Ukrainian R. (location?) 15/11, Ukrainian program called "Sekrety zdorov'ya" (Health Secrets) with YL and OM - fair, bad modulation, //5970

6005 1002-1011 D Radio 700,Kall Krekel (1 kW), 15/11, German news, weather forecast, ID as Deutschlandfunk (their news bulletin relay), pop songs - poor, deep fading - thanks to Wolfgang Bueschel's help, their site is: http://www.radio700.de

11092.5U 2000-2018 and later, SHN R. Saint Helena, 15/11, no any signs of signal directed to Japan, only local atmospheric noise...

2485 2023- AUS ABC Katherine, 15/11, English OM short talk, pop song - poor with deep fading, blocked by local noise at 2026, no any signs on 2310 and 2325 that were very noisy too

11092.5U 2114-2228, SHN R. Saint Helena, 15/11, weak signal here starting from 2114 (but there were no any signs of it before), mostly OM talks and music - but too weak for any clear ID's or any correct program details ... 2140 - their "best" signal this night with OM talk (could make some words), then song ... it seems the propagation much better now than at the beginning (also already sent them three e-mails) ... 2153 English song (OM singer) - the propagation is improving! ... 2155 English clear ID as "You are listening ... Radio Saint Helena", also mentioned "Radio Saint Helena Day", then mail reading and next song at 2203 ... they also played "Back in the USSR" at 2210 ... just got an answer from them (2215): Hello Mikhail Nice to learn that the recepition is improving. Stay tune.... Best regards Radio St.Helena Team ... at 2223 OM announcer said that they already had 203 (?) e-mails ... 2228 final OM ann, signal off ... then very weak after 2230

7260 0808-0814 MNG R. Ulan Bator, 16/11, Mongolian OM/YL talks, short musical fragment - poor, some splashes from 7265 (BLR)

9710 1023-1033+ ??? MV Baltic Radio (test program according to Tom Taylor), 16/11, flamenco-like music, German OM ann at 1029 with mention of Internet address, NDR and NDR1, etc., next orchestral melody - fair with AUS and NHK (till 1030) on the same channel, splashes from 9720 (VOR) and some fading too

4940 1156-1232 IND AIR Guwahati, 16/11, Assamese-like YL ann and talks, long native YL singing with local drums, tentative ID at 1219 - fair, fading and local noise Hope for a QSL

2850 1317-1327 KRE KCBS Pyongyang, 16/11, Korean, patriotic and folk songs and OM/YL ann between them - poor, //9665.4

3320 1332-1340 KRE Pyongyang BS, 16/11, Korean YL talk - weak, but without any QRM from local pirates - //6250.3, 6397.6 and 3250 (tent.) under heavy pirate QRM

15120 1906-1922 NIG Voice of Nigeria, 16/11, English, YL talk about next week's programs and shows with short audio fragments of them - very strong, but overall merit is between 3 and 4 due to the average fading and local noise

6250 1940-1950 GNE R. Nacional, 16/11, local pop songs in Spanish - fair and then poor due to the RTTY-like QRM

15344.6 2003-2016 ARG R. Nacional, 16/11, Spanish OM talks, also YL (football report at the beginning? Boca Juniors plays vs Velez Sarsfield at this time), one more check at 2041-2053 confirms this game with "Goooooaaaal" yell at 2046 (J.R. Riquelme: 1-2) and one more yell at 2051 (J. Cristaldo 1-3) - poor, strong local noise plus het. (MRC?) Hope for a QSL

15190 2030-2040 GNE R. Africa (tent.), 16/11, English OM talk - poor under strong local (?) noise (or utility?) exactly on 15190 +- 1-2 kHz, WYFR in English via ASC on 15195 is much better

4769.9 2105- ??? UNID, 16/11, talks in UNID language - weak under strong local noise, also with African-like song at 2141

15410 2015-2022 CHL CVC Santiago, 16/11, Portuguese, orchestral music, 2121 OM ann - poor

5025 *2130-2138 AUS ABC Katherine, 16/11, English, YL news with YL/OM reports, also mentions of "ABC News" - poor with BEN on the background and nothing on 4835 and 4910 due to the propagation

6055 2007-2016 RRW R. Rwanda, 18/11, Vernacular, African pop song, 2012 OM talks with final words as "Radio Rwanda", 2013 western English song - almost good with some splashes from TRT on 6050 only (thanks to VOR, IRB, CRI and SVK this channel is free at 2000-2030), but the propagation is not so good this evening as on Nov 16

11785.9 2032-2040 INS Voice of Indonesia, 18/11, English, YL/OM talks, short musical fragments - fair-poor with fading and local noise, also frequent short audio delays and their modulation is not OK too

3200 2042-2043* SWZ TWR Manzini (tent.), 18/11, English OM talk and then their sudden sign off (it seems their prolonged schedule) - weak under local noise and pirates QRM near 3200 kHz

3345 2049- AFS Channel Africa, 18/11, African pop song - poor, but regularly here in the nights at the beginning of B08

3200 1948- SWZ TWR Manzini, 25/11, English religious talk - fair, but unusually strong signal with my new (but temporary only, unfortunately) 30 meters long wire antenna in use (it seems it works very well on 90 m.b. - will try to hear PNG on next Sat/Sun at 1100-1300 again)

3230 1949- AFS WYFR, 25/11, English religious talk - good with some local noise only

3255 1950- AFS BBC, 25/11, English talk - fair-good with some fading and local noise

3320 1951- AFS R.Sonder Grense, 25/11, Afrikaans talk - fair-poor with some local noise and CW QRM

3345 1952- AFS Channel Africa, 25/11, Portuguese OM talk, ID - fair-good

9420 2037-2040 ZMB CVC Lusaka, 25/11, English pop songs - strong, but poor only under GRC and some splashes from 9425 (AIR)

3240 2042- SWZ TWR Manzini, 25/11, English religious talk - good

3396 2044- ZWE Zimbabwe BC, 25/11, African pop music - poor, fading and local noise

9690 1558-1602 NIG Voice of Nigeria, 26/11, Vernacular (Yoruba, then Igbo?), music, YL talk including ID as "Voice of Nigeria Lagos" - fair, fading and local noise, splashes from 9685 (BBC)

4830 2245-2252 MNG Radio Ulan bator, 26/11, Mongolian folk music - poor-fair with CHN on the ame channel, //4895 good

6300 2314-2327 ALG? RASD National Radio, 26/11, Spanish OM talks with mention of República Árabe Saharaui Democrática, songs - poor-fair with DRM-like noise (or jamming) near the channel, strong splashes from 6290 (EGY) after 2324

9530 2326- VTN Voice of Vietnam HS, 26/11, Vietnamese OM talk - fair, //5975 fair

9745 2351-0002 BHR Radio Bahrain, 26-27/11, Arabic, Quran OM reading, then talks by two OMs with frequent mentions of Bahrain - fair, also Voice of Han on the background

13650 1635-1659* ZMB CVC Lusaka, 28/11, English talks, songs (I am not sure but it seems somebody at CVC is a rap-style music fan) - good-fair at the beginning, but poor already after 1650 due to the propagation

9420 1710- ZMB CVC Lusaka, 28/11, English pop song - weak at this time and during the short pauses of the powerful GRC signal only

6075 0105- CHN CRI Beijing, 29/11, English news (OM) and ID - strong, but poor only due to the interferences from DW on this "traditional" CRI frequency

4810 0107-0131 IND AIR Bhopal, 29/11, Hindi talks (mostly YL) with long Indian singing at 0108-0115, news from Delhi at 0130 - good-fair, also DRM-like noise on 4811
QSL in 116 days

5010 0132-0152 IND AIR Chennai, 29/11, Hindi, mostly YL/OM talks - fair with some local noise and fading Hope for a QSL

6010 0255-0303 BHR R. Bahrain, 29/11, non-stop English pop songs - fair with some splashes from BBC on 6015 after 0259

3200 0304- SWZ TWR Manzini, 29/11, Ndebele talk - fair with some QRM from Russian pirate station on 3205

3240 0306- SWZ TWR Manzini, 29/11, Vernacular talk, music - fair-poor

3345 0308-0327- AFS Channel Africa, 29/11, pop song and then mostly English talks with some ID's - good-fair

13590 0648- ZMB CVC Lusaka, 29/11, English YL/OM dialogues - good-fair, splashes from 13600 (IRB)

7200 0655- RUS R. Rossii, Yakutsk, 29/11, Russian YL talks - good-fair even with BUL carrier on the same channel, //7345 good-fair and 7140 weak

15295 0659-0704 MLA Voice of Malaysia, 29/11, English rock song (by Billy Joel?), short OM/YL talks with ID as "Voice of Malaysia English Service", then next song - good-fair with some splashes from 15300 (RFI)

4840 0144-0157 IND AIR Mumbai, 30/11, Hindi talks, musical fragments good-fair, CW QRM (on 4843), transmitter problems at 0154-0155 (off/on two times) Hope for a QSL

3396 0202-0207 ZWE Zimbabwe BC again, 30/11, African pop songs poor

3185 0540- USA WWRB (tent.), 30/11, English YL talk, then OM weak under strong local noise

7245 0559- TJK Radio Dushanbe, 30/11, local song, IS, Russian YL talks fair-poor, splashes from 7250 (CVA)

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