DX Logbook on-line October 2010
Here are some of my occasional short wave observations
Location: North-East part of the St.Petersburg city
Receiver: Drake R8A
Antenna: 15 meters outdoor long wire
All time are in UTC
Frequencies in kHz
5980 0603-0642 D Hamburger Lokalradio, Kall, 03/10, German, OM/YL talks with mention of DDR, former-DDR songs and music, fragments of some public speeches fair-mostly poor under local noise and better in LSB with 2.3 kHz bandwidth, starting on 5980.1v and then almost exactly on 5980.0 Hope for a QSL
5975 1403-1417 VTN Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi, 10/10, Viernamese, OM/YL talks, local folk and pop songs poor with local noise only at the beginning, then slightly better, //9635 weak and VOV1 stream on http://english.vovnews.vn
4750 1420-1434 BGD R. Bangladesh Betar, Dhaka, 10/10, Bengali, OM/YL talks with mention of Bangladesh and YL ID at 1428'52, fragments of local music, OM news with one more ID at 1430'03 strong signal, but mostly fair only due to CNR, local noise and periodical Russian SSB utility station near 4750
9705 1448-1514 ERI Voice of the Broad Masses, Asmarai (tent.), 10/10, Vernacular, OM/YL talks, typical HOA songs fair-almost good with local noise and fading only till 1458 when powerful DRM came on 9700 (I am not sure if this one was really ERI as could hear one tentative ID as All India Radio!)
9690 1702-1715 ING Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, 10/10, Vernacular, mostly OM talks with many mentions of Nigeria, short fragments of local native music and songs fair with splashes from 9695 (CRI) till 1709-1710, then almost good thanks to more stable propagation from the South
9674.98 0315-0335 B R. Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista, 17/10, Portuguese, OM/YL talks, Brazilian songs poor with local noise, not //1020 AM in Sao Paulo according to the Internet stream
11870 0856'10-0909'15 ALS KNLS, Anchor Point, 17/10, Russian, OM talks with mention of two addresses including in Anchor Point and St.Petersburg (P.O. Box 47, 191187), KNLS orchestral music theme, pause, then IS starting from 0900'00 and Chinese program from 0901'01 poor-fair after RRI close down at 0856'10
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