ASIAHere are 45 scanned QSLs from China, Diego Garcia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan,Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Philippine, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Taiwan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam All QSLs are in alphabetical order (by ITU code and frequency ascending sort) Please note: - old QSLs of the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s have white text titles - new QSLs starting from the end of 2008 have yellow text titles - QSL cards of Alexander Beryozkin have bright green text titles Please place the cursor on any small picture to see its title, and click on the picture to see it in full size Back to the main page | ||||||||||
CHN Xinjiang PBS 3950 kHz |
CHN Xinjiang PBS 3990/4980 kHz |
CHN Xinjiang PBS 4500/6190 kHz |
CHN Yunnan PBS 4760 kHz |
CHN Gansu PBS 4865 kHz |
CHN Tibet PBS 4905/4920 kHz |
CHN Zhejiang PBS 4915 kHz |
CLN DW Trincomalee 5965 kHz |
CLN SLBC Trincomalee 11905 kHz |
CLN Radio Free Asia 13810 kHz |
DGA AFRTS Diego Garcia 4319 kHz |
IND AIR Gorakhpur 3945 kHz |
IND AIR Bhopal 4810 kHz |
IND AIR Jeypore 5040 kHz |
IND All India Radio 9950 kHz |
INS RRI Banjarmasin 3249,8 kHz |
INS RRI Tanjung Pinang 3225 kHz |
INS RRI Kendari 4000,2 kHz |
INS RRI Fak Fak 4790 kHz |
INS Voice of Indonesia 9525 kHz |
J NSB (Radio Tampa) 3925 kHz |
J Radio Nikkei 3925 kHz |
J Radio Nikkei 6055 kHz |
J Radio Nikkei 9595 kHz |
J Radio Nikkei 9595 kHz |
J Radio Japan 11760 kHz |
KAZ Voice of Orthodoxy 7435 kHz |
KOR KBS Gimje 7275 kHz |
KRE Radio Pyongyang 2850 kHz |
MLA RTM Kuching 5030 kHz |
MLA Voice of Malaysia 15295 kHz |
MNG R.Ulan Bator 3960/4995 kHz |
MNG R.Ulan Bator 4080/4830 kHz |
MNG R.Ulan Bator 4750 kHz |
MNG R.Ulan Bator 4895 kHz |
PAK Pakistan BC 7535 kHz |
PHL Radio Veritas Asia 6115 kHz |
PHL FEBC Bocaue (BSW4) 12095 kHz |
SNG Singapore BC 5010 kHz |
TJK Voice of Russia 4975 kHz |
TJK RFA Dushanbe 13830 kHz |
TWN CBS Taiwan (P.1) 3335 kHz |
TWN CBS Taiwan (P.2) 3335 kHz |
TWN Voice of Guang-Hua 9745 kHz |
TWN Radio Taiwan International 11985 kHz |
UZB CVC 15610 kHz |
VTN Voice of Vietnam 7280 kHz |