CENTRAL AMERICAHere are 15 scanned QSLs from Costa Rica, Cuba,Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and Netherlands Antilles All QSLs are in alphabetical order (by ITU code and frequency ascending sort) Please note: - old QSLs of the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s have white text titles - new QSLs starting from the end of 2008 have yellow text titles - QSL cards of Alexander Beryozkin have bright green text titles Please place the cursor on any small picture to see its title, and click on the picture to see it in full size Back to the main page
AIA The Caribbean Beacon 6090 kHz
AIA The Caribbean Beacon 11775 kHz
ANT RNW Bonaire 6165 kHz
CTR Radio Reloj 4832 kHz
CTR AWR Cahuita 5030 kHz
CTR Faro del Caribe 5055 kHz
CUB Radio Rebelde 5025 kHz
CUB Radio Habana 5040 kHz
CUB Radio Habana 6140 kHz
DOM Radio Barahona 4930 kHz
GTM Radio Tezulutlan 4835 kHz
HND La Voz de MI de Centro America 3340 kHz
HND La Voz Evangelica 4820 kHz
MEX Radio Educacion (P.1) 6185 kHz
MEX Radio Educacion (P.2) 6185 kHz
| MEX Radio Educacion 6185 kHz
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